The chairmaker’s Toolbox:

What & Why

As traditional woodworking techniques are eliminated from mainstream furniture production, both educational opportunities and necessary tools have become harder to access. Communities of historically excluded craftspeople can feel isolated and pushed out. The Chairmaker’s Toolbox has a twofold mission. First, we must eliminate the barriers to education and community to build the future of green woodworking. Second, the shortage of chairmaking tools must be addressed. We need more high quality tools to support a growing community of diverse makers. 

How do we do this? We harness the power of our community, our dollars, and our mutual love of making to collectively support diverse cohorts of new tool and chairmakers.

Part 1: The Toolbox

Working with highly skilled BIBOC, female, and gender non-conforming toolmakers, The Chairmaker’s Toolbox produces precise, exquisite, thoughtfully designed classic tools built to last. Each tool is developed with and tested by some of the most experienced chairmakers in the country. 

Check out “The Toobox” to see our offerings and read about the makers and advisors who worked to make this new generation of tools possible.

Part 2: The Education

Educational equity in woodworking is a lofty goal that we approach from two angles. First, we offer free or sliding-scale classes in chairmaking across the United States. Second, we collect donations of time, space, materials, and intellectual property that we then distribute to a diverse community of makers who will bring perspective, variety, and fresh ideas to the field. We center chairs because hand tool chairmakers don’t need a full shop, costly milling equipment, or even need overhead lights. It is a huge loss to beginners and historically excluded groups that for generations this ancient, versatile, low-tech, low cost furniture making style has been consigned to a homogenous group of period enthusiasts.

Check out our “Education + Opportunities” page to read about the exciting opportunities available and the donations of time, energy, and intellectual property so generously offered there.

Part 3: The Living Tools

Good tools should be in the hands of people who will use them - or even better, build a life with them. The goal of The Living Tools project is to connect divided generations of makers through a mutual love of good tools by giving retiring makers a chance to give their tools a new life in the craft. Retiring makers are encouraged to donate their tools as a “collection” which will then be awarded to a historically excluded maker. The recipient must commit to never sell the tools they are given, but instead maintain the collection in its entirety and give it again when they can no longer use it. The generosity of the original donor guarantees that the tools remain gifts across generations.

Check out “The Living Tools” page to see the collections available and to read about the donation that inspired the project.